I just wanted to share my spring cleaning success with everyone. I tackled my closet a couple of days ago and ruthlessly retired items I didn't wear. I'm really good about doing this yearly (my closet is physically big, but I truly have a very minimal wardrobe because I constantly "prune"). My biggest accomplishment was getting rid of some of those items I keep holding on to year after year....the ones that win the internal debate of "to retire or not retire"--yet I still don't wear them. Those went bye-bye this year! What I was also really excited about is that I carried the whole concept to the rest of my house and it feels FANTASTIC to get super organized. I went room by room, closet by closet and did everything. My label-maker has been working overtime and I've invested a small fortune in tupperware and organizing tools from the Container Store. The pantry looks like the scene from "Sleeping with an Enemy" with everything perfectly positioned. What is funny is that I think the kids love it almost as much as I do. We made "special places" for their dolls and "dress up" etc. etc. and they talk about the "special places" everyday. I actually heard my 4 year old say to my 2 year old, "the dolls go in that basket, you are doing it wrong." I might be cultivating OCD, but I will admit, it sure looks nice!! Signed, ME {LV}
Now that is a beautiful custom closet.
Posted by: VClosets | March 10, 2010 at 11:47 AM