Did anyone else read this article? I was flipping through the NY times Magazine that comes tucked into the Sunday edition and there was a nice long article about this book by a doctor claiming to have discovered why we age and having the searched for the ingredients to prevent it (aging inside out and out). My first thought, "ca-ching...thank god I read the NY times....better get on Amazon and order this book super stat before the whole world reads this article and the book sells out". Ha, ha, ha. So I proceed to rip out the article and then proceed to read past the first paragraph. It goes into a little depth about the theory (acid cells have to be neutralized), and the list of "stuff" you need to buy to do the regime (most of which is way too healthy for me to actually have ever heard of).....blah blah blah. I finally get to the end of the article on the second page I've ripped out, and the conclusion by this particular author after trying it for all of 24 hours is basically "the stuff (some shake concoction) tastes like mud, the diet sucks, and I'd rather age 5 years than try to stick to it." Bummer, looks like the foundation of youth isn't going to be so easily found. Reminds me of the time that a customer told me about the Perricone diet and I raced out to buy the book which is guaranteeed to make you look and feel fabuluos. Opened that puppy up and started to realize within a few pages that the primary component of the diet is FISH. I HATE fish, would rather stab my eyes out than eat it, so the chances of me consistantly eating it for a lifetime to look good (despite whatever level of vanity I have) wasn't good. Book in trash, back to old diet of carbs, fats and a large doses of sugar......and sure fire aging :-). Signed, ME {lv}