O.K., before you get excited, he didn't REALLY almost die. My sensational title might be a tad misleading. Last night, after an exhausting weekend, I decided to go to sleep at 8:45 p.m.--because I was about to pass out. So...I'm sound asleep, in dream bliss, when my husband jumps on the bed and says my name in a firm and not quiet voice that triggers that part of your brain that knows there is an emergency. I bolt up and immediately ask him if the kids are alright? "Yes, fine," he responds. "The house on fire?" I ask. "Nope, everything is fine, but I'm burning up, my face is all red." So of course I go through the routine, "are you sick?" "No, I took a vitamin and I'm having an allergic reaction, this is serious." Turns out that he took a Niacin supplement (at the suggestion of his doctor because he has super high cholesteral), and he was having a "flushing" side affect which some of you I'm sure have experienced. Hardly pleasant....but hardly an emergency either. I of course got out of bed, and went to the internet and did a 10 second search on niacin reactions so he could read that it was perfectly normal....and of course during our 5 minutes at the computer (as I start coming out of my sleep como fully) he realizes that he is starting to feel less hot and less flush, so YES it is in fact the Niacin and not a life threatening situation. Why he couldn't do an internet search BEFORE he woke me up is beyond me. To top it off, he has now sworn off ever taking a vitamin again because he is allergic to the "healthy stuff" (kind of a problem since his cholesteral is through the roof and he hasn't voluntarily eaten a vegetable since 1979--the boy needs some supplements.)
What a DRAMA QUEEN. It is a good thing that he isn't the one pregnant and squeezing watermelons out a small hole because I have a pretty good hunch it wouldn't go well. It reminds me of the time (when we lived in LA) we stopped to help this puppy in a huge intersection who was clearly lost and scared. The puppy nipped at him and barely broke the skin (I swear it only broke it because he already had a hang nail), and he thought he was going to get rabis. He actually went to the doctor and asked for a rabis shot---the doctor informed him there hadn't been a case of it for about 30 years and so he thought he was probably o.k. (not to mention the shots are in the stomach and apparently highly painful.)
Men....what can you do? Signed, ME {lv}