I just have to share this funny story, because I'm convinced women everywhere will understand how funny it really is.
I'm upstairs hanging out with the kids, and I hear running and muttering downstairs, then I hear my husband bounding up the stairs going from one end of the upstairs to the other between bathrooms yelling in the most distraught "I-just-dropped-my-ice-cream-cone" voice-as close to crying as a person could get...."whyyyyyyyyyyyy is there nnnnneeeevvvvveeeerrrrr any toilet paper???" I laughed my you know what off. Damn that toilet paper fairy, she is always forgetting to stop off at this house. Do you think there is a man anywhere who actually realizes someone has to go out and BUY toilet paper, and it doesn't just magically appear neatly stacked under the sink??
Big Sigh. I think I deserve something new and pretty just for having to live with a man :-)--they are so much work! Signed, ME {lv}