I did something I have never done today. I went to see a makeup colorist...a PROFESSIONAL makeup colorist...not just the lady who happens to be behind the MAC counter. Someone who could totally review my entire makeup routine, and put me back on the right track. I had started to wonder if I was in a huge rut (the answer was yes.) We all have seen the people...with makeup shades that look horrible, and we wonder how in the world they could think it looked good. Well, I think I might have been one of those people! It is so easy to get into a routine and then not break out of it. Somewhere along the line of $200 hair salon vists, my hair grew a lot more "golden auburn" and completely threw me off what I "thought" were my colors. My makeup stayed the same, and I had a color confused face.
So...I didn't hold back. I took in every last bit of nasty makeup I use. The embarassing, ratty dish of blush I thought I liked, my tinted chapstick that had Gia's teethmarks in it. Everything. I let it all hang out, and told it like it was.
It was AWESOME. My little makeup guru session totally revamped my tired routine, and gave me a complete facelift. He showed me how even subtle differences in undertones can change the way blush, or makeup, or eyeshadow looked on my skin. I told him I wanted that perfect "I didn't try very hard at all to look ravishing" look, and he did his best to comply. I must say...ravishing might be a stretch, but I think it came off pretty darn good! It was a painstaking process, but the end result is an easy routine that looks "minimal" on the face.
My lesson for the day, and the rule to which I will now adhere to....easy on the blush. I tend to be a little heavy handed (oh, o.k., truth be told I can look like $2 whore pretty quick if left to my own blush devices). I mean, it always seemed like the answer to 4 hours of sleep and a pasty pallor. But that was then, and this is now. I'm reformed, and committed to my "au natural" makeup look with the perfectly, and softly, blushing cheeks.
I highly recommend indulging. I sort of fell into this by happenstance, but I'm so glad I did, and I'm a big advocate now of the professional makeup colorist!
(if you live in the area, his name is Fez and he is sweet, patient, and really talented.... he is on 10th in the Pearl at his own studio--I think dubbed appropriate, Fez Studios)!!
Signed, ME {lv}