So here's how it breaks down. I don't particularly enjoy exercise. That's the truth. I like feeling fit, but I'm not one of those people dying to go to the gym, and who can't imagine their life without working out. I have done nothing for the last 6 months in terms of exercise. Nothing. No situps, no run, no class. Nada. My excuse has been, "too busy" and " I'm moving and it is a physical workout in and of itself." Well, I'm done moving, and while it was physically exhausting, and I did probably use a lot of muscles doing it, I don't think it actually toned my butt, or my arms enough to turn back the damage that gravity has all of a sudden seemed to have done. thinking was that it was time to find something to do to get myself back into shape. Running is too hard on the body, breasts and last I read it gives you wrinkles from all that jarring on the facial skin. Not good. Joining a gym....well, I would consider that option but unless you have a gym really close it takes up a lot of time just driving to the gym, parking, navigating in etc. and doing your thing amongst lots of people (and I get intimidated by all those machines I don't know how to use). So, I decided to try good old yoga that so many people swear by. I've done Bikram in the past in spurts. It's been years since the last spurt, and although I did think the results were big, Bikram takes a huge energy AND time commitment. Plus the thought of being in a smokin' hot sweaty room right now makes me feel a little sick to my stomach.
So I found a small yoga studio pretty close to my house, and I started on Monday--Oct. 1. I wasn't even suppose to be in town on Monday but ended up having to cancel my travel plans...I had a million other excuses I could have used (including a kid with a cold)--but I just decided enough was enough, that I always had excuses so I was just going to have to stop using them. Class #1. It was basic "Flow" yoga...I didn't try anything crazy. Nothing with the word "power" in front of it (definitely not ready for that). My plan is Monday/Wed/Friday. Three days a week. Nothing off the charts hard, just 3 classes a week. That's my goal. Approachable, a time commitment I can handle, and theoretically enough to get me in shape and feeling better.
So I figured I'd try this out for 6 weeks, then evaluate how I feel. I've never been a huge yoga person...that downward dog position hurts my eyeballs and I've always disliked anything with a name that contains "dog" in it...BUT, I know people swear by it, say it's life changing, AND it's something you can do almost anywhere, and at any age. So what's 6 weeks if the payoff is great body and healthy mind right?
The first class, I am not exaggerating when I say, I felt like I was going to die. Not during the class...actually the class didn't feel all that hard really. It was at the end, when I went to hand back my mat that I realized my arm muscles felt like mush, and I felt a little sick. I think it was all the lactic acids being released from those deep poses. Seriously, I still ache like crazy, and yesterday I felt like I had the flu everything hurt so much. Sad, but true. Today I go back again. Hopefully I don't croak. If I do end up in an ambulence going to the hospital, I'll be greeting potentially cute ER docs wearing my Hard Tail Plie leggings, which I love, and my Hard Tail Long Sports Tank in the horizon dye. The only way to make this whole "getting in shape thing" more fun is going to be some new Hard Tail outfits. It's my reward for not bailing out of the whole thing and staying home with a glass of wine.
I'm guessing most of the people reading this blog are far healthier than I am, but if you are like me and just can't seem to jump back on the wagon with enthusiasm, then do it now and suffer along with me. I'm going to keep everyone appraised of my Hard Tail wardrobe, AND my painfull slow climb up the "healthy and in shape" ladder. Wish me luck. I do love these Plie leggings though, what a perfect way to cover the backside. For any of you out there that have it in you to start this yoga challenge with me, or if you already are a yoga convert and agree that having a good yoga wardrobe makes it less painful, then here's a little treat: coupon code: LVCHALLENGE at checkout will give you 25% off your Hard Tail purchase (good for 1 week to kick off your challenge) :-)!!