So here's my (maybe) short list of things that bug on this Monday night at 11:10 p.m. :
- Why did I ever promise (out loud) that I would do a blog post Monday thru Friday? That was just dumb.
- Why does my hormonal cycle at 45 years of age take me on a sleep roller coaster? Some days during the month I am literally WIDE awake at 11:00 p.m., other times I feel like I've been clubbed over the head at 8:30 p.m….I'm fine one minute and then it's like someone slipped me a roofie and I'm out. I've done the evaluation, it's not caffeine, therefore I am guessing it has to do with "other" hormonal factors unique to my age/stage. Yuck. I just want to sleep normal for pete's sake. I should have been sleeping 2 hours ago!
- I'm almost out of my beloved RMS coconut oil face cream, which i have lavished on my face nightly since I got it a couple of months ago. The irritating part is that EVERY time I use it now I think of Ava & Lucia making fun of me because my face was greasy. Apparently I look like a greased turkey and smell like a bowl of popcorn. I feel better that way than dry and crackly, but they said it like it was a bad thing so that bugs and now I can't get the image out of my head.
- I'm tired of waiting for MOL. I'm super excited…it's adorable, and it needs to come already. I'm ready for some Spring wardrobe planning. I know I can't wear it yet, but when the bell goes off, I'm jumping out the gate looking awesome. How am I going to do that unless I obsessively plan?
- Why does it have to be meatballs for school lunch tomorrow (never mind the quinoa and cauliflower salad)?? Gia has already refused it eat it which means I have to wake up in exactly 6.2 hours (if I fall asleep in the next 2 minutes), and try to scrape together lunch. Alternative? Make her get hot lunch, she won't eat it, I'll pick her up at 3 pm and she'll be famished, irritable, and her hunger will have obscured her ability to learn her times table all afternoon (which will lead to certain doom and failure as an adult).
- I think #1 deserves repeating. What was I thinking? (note to self, maybe don't wait until 11pm to try and scratch out blog commitment.)
- Quite frankly, it bugs that I'm bugged. I think besides my hormonal sleep issue, I just have an overall irritation roller coaster problem. What is that? It's like some crazy mid-40's thing…and no, I'm not para menopausal (which my mom has been telling me for the last 5 years, enough times that I actually went and had it checked and no, turns out I'm NOT). Suck it mom. Sorry, that was mean. But something must be up. Unless my true personality didn't come out until I was in my 40's and I had secretly been suppressing it. That would be a bummer. My doctor put me on some "cocktail" about a year ago of Vitamin D, magnesium, iron, and something else in the same vein (i.e. non prescription hocus pocus…all intended to boost my energy and smooth out my irritation.) Think I've been off my meds. I'll do better tomorrow.
Signed, ME {lv}