It’s small business Saturday, which to us small businesses, is a super BIG deal. It’s a day to appreciate why we shop small businesses, and why we, as the small business, are so grateful for YOU. We are surrounded by huge corporations, and big business. I have nothing against the ease or bounty of these—I get it, I really do, they offer things a small business often can't. What’s missing though, is knowing the person you are buying from, you knowing them, or them knowing you. It makes your purchase just another transaction that is sterile, and devoid of connection. I know that through the years it’s become more and more important to me to make choices in where I shop, the designers we carry, the things I personally buy…I want to care about them, and have them care about me. I truly feel like every vendor we carry I personally know, support, and respect. I feel like they do the same, and we have each other’s backs. What comes with a heightened relationship like that is a history that means something. We’ve had customers that have shopped with us for 15+ years and that’s a wonderful feeling for us, and we hope as the customer of our small business, you know the value that your loyalty and friendship thru the years has made. Where you shop matters. You matter to us, and not just because we are. doing a business transaction, but because we care about the people we are working with. We love knowing what they do, what they love, how many kids they have, what they did on the weekend, and all the other things that a community comes to know about its members.
That’s a long way of saying, on this small business weekend celebration, we hope you know how much you mean to us. We are very proud of our business and the blood, sweat and tears we’ve poured into it, and we are honored that you have supported us thru the years as we’ve lived our dream.
In other stuff…. I took a yoga class on Friday and I will just say, it was the perfect example of WHY I love yoga so much and talk about it obsessively. Definitely more than I talk about clothes, but beautiful clothing is what I wear to express my happiness and creativity…. but my happiness and creativity is fueled in part by yoga, hence why it often gets more talking points than the actual clothing we sell. Anyway, I’ve taken many exercise classes thru the years on the days following Thanksgiving that were themed on, “you indulged too much and now we are going to punish you and make you repent.” That was the vibe, and usually people skulked into class in all black to hide their turkey/mash potato / pumpkin pie babies, and felt guilty and inadequate the whole time while sweating it out to the shame based, “it’s time to pay the piper” drill.
Not yoga though…. instead I walked in and the first thing the instructor said is “this class isn’t about punishing your indulges away, it’s about celebrating your awesomeness and nourishing your greatness. What a nice concept. So, I changed the dialogue in my head, and it went like this, “good morning my glorious-self…. today I’m going to be kind and loving to your wonderful body, and I’m going to feed you good food all day, and take care of you, and most of all, be grateful for every day you carry my spirit.” That’s a whole lot of love and kindness toward yourself, and you deserve it. Guilt, abstaining, penance, shame…. all not good for the spirit.
On a totally OTHER note, my mat was next to “guy x” (have no idea what his name is but over time I’ve come to take some classes with him here and there and he’s totally thoroughly, 100% distracting to me.) There are no mirrors in class, so everyone tends to be in their own zone, and you might only notice when someone does something really out of the box….but if they are in your peripheral vision, you might notice more. He was. First off, he NEVER follows anything that the instructor is actually telling us to do. He either does everything 10x slower, or he’ll amps it up 10x faster. He also smells…and not good. At all. It’s been a long time since I’ve been in class with him and the lighting was dim when I walked in so I unsuspectingly was to his left. But his rank odor isn't important, what is important is it made me think of one of my random favorite things: Megababe deodorant. It’s all natural, with none of the stuff that is going to give you Alzheimer and all the other bad stuff in regular deodorant, plus it smells good (but it does have a very distinct smell—kind of like Old Spice, but for girls, so if you like neutral deodorant Megababe isn't your bag.) I like the smell, and most importantly, it works pretty darn well. It’s got a lot of buzz around it, google it, it’ll make you want to try it!
Signed, ME {lv}