Estimated time of departure...7 days! I've got a packed suitcase and I'm fine tuning the final items that make the cut since space is real limited. I picked up our travel itinerary books the other day which turned out almost, sorta of, perfect (ignoring the typo that I had to manually white out.) This is something I try to do every time we do a long trip because it gives the kids the chance to see what's happening play by play without asking (and irritating) me 4 million different times. I leave room for them to draw something, or journal, or tape mementos in (which sometimes they do, and sometimes they could care less about.) Each travel day shows the route, how long, the destination, and things we'll do when we are there. Each day also includes a place at the bottom for them to write something they are grateful they can remember what lucky buggers they are. Like much of what you do out of love and tenderness for your kids, you have no idea if they really give a crap or notice. Still, the book is pretty cool right? In case you are wondering, I designed it in In Design, and then if you save it to a PDF file you can take it right into Kinkos.
I also am excited that my sister bought me a travel yoga mat, which truthfully I never even considered buying before. I usually BRING my mat, then I lament the fact that it counts as carryon bag #2 thereby forcing some tough decisions because everything else has to fit in my other bag (computer too). Plus it's just never easy to carry even with my awesome mat carrier, it lays across my back but usually I tack my travel backpack so you see the back, to back needing bags. This one from my sister folds down into a nice pouch and is so light. Brilliant!!
I picked up one real book for the plane just because I love to actually hold a real book, but the rest of my summer reading will have to be on the Kindle or Ipad due to lack of room. Can't wait to read though!
Lastly, I bought my huge king sized Elta MD sun screen so I can try to lather up everyone head to toe. No more freckles for me. And by freckles I mean sunspots, I just think freckles sound more youthful.
I am bringing the Velvet Kora pants in dillweed, and I just bought the new Velvet Joy tank in white because it's super fresh with the pants--and I know I'll wear it a ton. I've tried to buy higher neck tanks because of the aforementioned sunspot epidemic I'm having, but I can't resist the Joy tank and its pretty neckline. I'm always layering 3 or 4 necklaces, and that looks particularly pretty with this neckline!! I just will have to double up on the sunscreen application. I seriously love the Kora relaxed and easy, and they have this slightly rumpled linen look that I just adore and feels so summery to me. Stay tuned...I plan on boring everyone with my packing play by play this week because I'm SO excited to leave! Signed, {ME}