Today was really almost uneventful enough NOT to write a whole post about it, but I can't miss a day in the adventure, even if it was relatively boring. It was our last day in Bordeaux and it was nice because by this time we had narrowed down the areas we liked the most, and the predictability gave the day a very mellow charm.
We got up in no particular hurry, and the little kids and I took the tram into the city because Romeo was on a mission to go to the Lego store we had passed. I promised him that we could do it, if he didn't complain at all about walking around AFTER the Lego store. Not sure why I even bothered to acquire that promise, I knew that was going to be a futile request.
We spent an almost unspeakably long time in the Lego store as Romeo and Gia deliberated over the pros and cons of various lego options. Eventually he landed on an advanced helicopter with lots of pieces. One very excited little boy left the store.
The kids and I strolled for awhile, and eventually Ava and Lucia caught up with us and we veered off in a direction of cute little avenues, boutiques and cafés. We eventually stumbled on a restaurant that everyone actually agreed would be a thumbs up (i.e. everyone could find something to eat on the menu), so we had a very long lunch during which time Lucia was over the moon about her fairly magnificent looking avocado toast. The one thing I consistently love about how Europeans eat at restaurants? They NEVER bring you the check or make you feel rushed. They take forever to bring you your food, and then they expect you to take forever to eat the food, and then it takes forever to pay.
The kids and I spent the rest of the afternoon just walking around, enjoying the city. I bought even more linen pillow cases because I was so in love the with ones I bought the day before, and I have no idea where they will actually work in my house, but I love them regardless. We returned back home and then Lucia and I went out to a Pharmacie--the Mecca of all things makeup and cosmetic related in France, and we tracked down some anti-acne accessories for Lucia. The sun and sweating are aggravating her face....oh, and probably also contributing are the massive hormonal surges indicated by her erratic and violent mood swines. I am trying to help her "stress" less about it since apparently stress causes it as well--vicious circle for a 14 year old...they get acne and then they stress, and then they get more acne FROM the stress.
I spent a good chunk of the evening getting our stuff organized, the little kids packed, the refrigerator cleaned out....and all the other details of pre-departure planning. Tomorrow my plan is to leave by 9:00 a.m. for our 5.5-6 hour drive to Paris. Bit nervous to navigate into that city on a Friday afternoon, find parking, and unpack the car, but I know it'll be fine, just can't think about it too much.
Love Bordeaux, but excited to be in Paris again.
Signed, ME {lv}