I think if the zombie virus hits the earth, the last to go down will be metro riders, teachers, and ER docs. Those are the people exposed to 5 million germs every day and they are still standing. They have built up a crazy good constitution. We took the metro this morning, and it was brutal. It was packed, it was like one big stinky armpit stew. Lots of natural deodorant NOT doing it's job. I think after touching all the railings, fellow travelers, seats etc., and breathing in all that stagnant subway air I've been exposed to 101 potentially deadly viruses today alone. If I wake up with a violent flu bug or hepC, you'll know why.
We survived though, and made it all the way to the Eiffel Tower (yet again) because Gia wanted to go up it. But to make a long story short, John agreed to stay with her and go up, the other kids didn't care about it and didn't want to wait in line so the 4 of us headed off down the river. About 25 minutes later John called to tell me they gave up. It took them 25 minutes just to get thru security....but it was going to be another TWO hours in line just to get to the second floor, and then THREE hours to go higher. That's insanity. I love the ET, but really? I'm so glad we went up it when the line was maybe 5 minutes long. Now that's much more reasonable. Gia was devastated though, we felt bad about that (but not quite as bad since she had done it twice already in years past...how bad can you feel for an 11 year old who's gone up the Eiffel Tower twice?)
We then hoped on another metro (more virus accumulation) and headed over to the Saint-Martin canal area to stroll around and find lunch. By then it was already 3 p.m., and that's because everything took forever, and in general, we moved slow. I like this area of Paris, it's a little hipster, a little grunge, and very boho cool. We ultimately decided to eat at a breakfast place--even though it was 3:30 by that time--and it was just because pancakes in the afternoon always sound kind of good. I had a chia pudding bowl that was pretty darn tasty. It was the one thing on the menu both gluten and dairy free and to my surprise, it was quite glorious. Everyone had a big breakfast, but that didn't stop any of them from getting bagels 30 minutes later as we strolled in the general direction of home--guess breakfast isn't all that filling.
Then we stumbled on the apartment the kids and I had rented 4 years ago that we stayed in for three weeks. Everyone had a great time going down memory lane, and we strolled from our apartment, to Rue Montorgueil, with all the wonderful deli's, restaurants, bakeries and fruit stands. The kids and walked that street so many times, sometimes moving along that street and getting stuff for dinner WAS the activity of the day, so we know it pretty darn well. We went by the deli where Romeo fell out of his stroller and cracked his head open (luckily coming just shy of needing stitches). Everyone had great memories of those weeks, even though there were some awfully tough times (I think I might have cried at least twice on the phone when talking to John). Walking by metros where I remember carrying Romeo's stroller down as he slept (no easy deal with a beefy 3 1/2 year old), trying not to lose the other kids or get mowed over in the throngs of people.....it brought back a little PTSD.
Eventually we hit the metro again, acquired some more viral exposure, and got home. Once again we walked 10+ miles and I"m officially TIRED. Over 30 miles in 3 days is enough....I'm looking forward to driving and sitting tomorrow.
We went up the road to a Mexican place for dinner, and confirmed once again that the French don't really have any interest in Mexican. It's always "ok", not great, and always expensive. They seated us next to the garden...note the picture below of Romeo sitting next to the "garden". If you are wondering what I"m talking about because all you see is a planter on the sidewalk, it is in fact just a planter, but she called it the garden and we all got a kick out of it. The garden used to have a big trash can next to it, but she kindly moved that before pushing the tables together for our party of 6.
Tomorrow we kick off....goal is to be packed and in the car by 8:30 a.m. Very ambitious goal.
Signed, ME {lv}