I’ve got a lot to say, but I’m going to try and make it short and sweet (which just means it’ll be slightly shorter than a novel.)
First, I went to yoga this morning and I almost died. Not from the class itself, but from SOMEONE in the class with the most alarming body odor ever. I could not for the life of me figure out where it was coming from. It was so strong at first I thought, with genuine alarm, “could that be ME??” So I spent a good chunk of time analyzing that possibility. First, would you even smell yourself? I mean, if it was THAT bad, wouldn’t you notice it….OR would be the opposite, maybe you don’t even notice it the way you don’t notice that your house smells like a dog when you own a dog? That was my first contemplation. I had been using John’s deodorant because I ran out weeks ago and have been uncommitted with which direction to go (Megababe again, or something else?) As my mind is racing I'm considering the fact that maybe men's deodorant doesn't work on women? This is how crazy I was getting. Anyway, I confirmed there was no way it was me, but the smell was so overpowering at times I honestly thought I might have to leave. A rather traumatic, and not very peaceful, yoga class. My yoga take away was this: make sure you wear deodorant.
My focus today (and anyone reading this please focus all your health energy on this too) is on my dear friend who is going in for testing today. She had cancer last year, beat it after a grueling chemo round, and has been clear since but they saw a suspicious spot on her lung in her last scan, and then she has some symptoms that make me entirely too nervous. I’ve been trying to channel lots of good energy her way all week. She’s the most amazing person, and I think of her as family (an older and wiser sister….she could probably technically be my mom if she had me at in her teens.) She’s definitely given me enough guidance to be a mom, she’s one wise woman. I’m nervous though, it would be devastating to hear anything but good news.
Because I love to pivot from the serious to the frivolous (and let's face it, life is a weird combo of both), I will do so by saying that my Newton Supply field tote that I recently bought is quickly becoming my favorite thing ever. That waxed canvas gets better as it wears in, it takes on this cool patina as it creases and gets tumbled. It's even on sale--even better.
Lastly, I have been known to go down many-o-rabbit hole regarding health, longevity, eating for health etc. I don’t waste time on Instagram, or facebook, but I do waste a crap-ton of time reading about health stuff online….and also in books (but is that really wasting?) Right now I’m knee deep in the book, The Telomere Effect. In a nutshell, telomeres sit at the end of your chromosomes. They can be short, or long. You want long ones because that is what keeps you young and healthy. The book tries to sum up all the ways our telomeres gets shortened so that we can stop doing that, and start doing the stuff that keeps them long and keeps us young. Since I want to live forever, AND would prefer to do it looking wrinkle free and perpetually 40, I like to deep dive into all of this.
Pessimism is not good for telomeres, but mindfulness and focus IS good. I won’t bore you with all the details of why those are both true, but unitasking and keeping my mind from wandering like a monkey are attributed with longer telomeres. I was just saying the other day to my friend when I was talking about the Moment app (that tracks how much I pick up and use my phone each day), that my one goal out of it was just to try and condense my usage, not necessarily limit it, but condense it so I’m not constantly flitting around from thing to think. So far I haven’t improved, but I’ve definitely confirmed that I suck and pick up my phone WAY too much. I haven’t been disciplined enough to try and limit my “check in’s” on the phone to hourly (which is absolutely enough, but my self control and ability to let go of the concept that I need to know everything right this second, is real, real bad.). First step is recognizing your addiction right? I do really want to stop involuntarily multi-tasking.
I'm excited for Valentine's Day. Prepping my love gifts today, can't wait for our all heart dinner (yes, silly tradition with the kids where dinner involves only heart shaped foods).
Signed, ME {lv}