I'm about to enter that weird state of mind where you stop being hyper aware of days/dates/time. I just realized that I have not used my calendar for over a week. I'm a slave to my calendar in ordinary times, and not in the negative way it sounds, but in a nice, comfortable, co-dependent way. I have a bullet journaling type calendaring system that literally includes everything for the day (including routine things that I do every day but I put them on the list because I love to check stuff off). Haven't used it in a week. I saw its bright yellow cover in my office today and I felt a pang of sadness. Poor yellow calendar, all neglected with days and days just sitting there, unstructured. Today could have been Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday....it would hardly make a different. Weird.
Because the current state of things is dragging out past a comfortable vacation-ish type situation, I'm starting to realize I need a list of things to do when there is nothing to do (and that I would probably not do otherwise). So here goes:
- Clean Microwave. Our microwave is hidden under a counter behind a door which means it's not used all that much, mostly by the kids, and is thoroughly disgusting. Like frat house gross. I only noticed it recently, then I ignored it.
- Clean out beauty drawer. I'm notorious for holding on to things that are way too old, or that I'm never going to use. Am I going to use the weird collagen cream that came in a syringe that I bought last year in Thailand for $2? I'm guessing that I'm never going to us that.
- Clean the vents in the house. Never done it, probably should. Include dryer vent.
- Clean out the sock basket in the laundry room that currently holds 500+ random socks.
- App clean my phone. I could erase a LOT of apps.
- Podcasts. I go thru stages and it's been awhile since I listened to any. Want to catch up on 10% Happier and Modern Love.
- Clean the throw rugs with the upholstery cleaning machine I bought and have only used 3 times.
- Go crazy on some self-care love. Dry brushing, hair masks, micro needling....bring it all on because I've got time.
- Make photo books of the kids for the last 7 years. I'm behind, really behind.
- Watch the academy award winners from 2019. I don't think I saw any of them!
Might as well make myself useful by tackling some things on this list. Who knows, maybe I'll clean my house vents, noticed the copious amount of Milo fur in them, and save myself from a house fire down the road (can fur balls catch on fire in vents??) Here's to marking things off the random "to do" list.
Signed, ME {lv}