My "reach out" plan today was to call my other sister (I have a total of 3, only one of which I speak to regularly). This sister is 6 years my junior and we could be good friends because she is super cool, but we aren't because she's woefully flaky and it drives me batty. So we exchange texts. Sometimes. I usually let her call me because years ago I got sick of making the effort. BUT, today was going to be different because I was working on my challenge to reach out and connect with people. Except that she didn't answer my call, OR my text. So, basically my efforts were totally sabotaged and I was blown off. I'm going to try reaching out to someone easier tomorrow, family is tricky.
I forced Romeo to reach out today too, and he had better luck, but it took a solid 30 minutes of cajoling to get him to do it. His friend's dad had texted me yesterday to see if Ro wanted to FaceTime with his friend Brody. So we made a tentative time for today. That time rolled around and I gave Romeo the phone number but his response was, "I don't want to, it's going to be awkward". I hear the kids say this a lot--the "awkward" word. It's pretty much the universal social fear right? Feeling awkward, not knowing what to say, do or wear. We had to go thru all the scenarios that were possible (i.e. what if we have nothing to talk about, what if I want to go and he wants to talk, what if my iPad runs out of batteries) and eventually he managed to reach out and contact his friend. When all was said and done he had a great chat and I think it was good for him to push thru his 9 year old social anxiety. If he was an adult and had that fear he just wouldn't have called and he would have missed out.
I am reminding myself today to exercise, because even though I don't always feel like it, it always makes me feel better. I try to get on my mat every day, and I try to either walk or get on the Peloton too. There are days though that feel heavier, and I just can't shake off that fatigue/morose feeling (Saturday was one such day). Yesterday I was dragging a bit, and didn't necessarily feel like doing anything, but I pushed myself over the hump and it felt so good afterwards. I am writing these words as a reminder to myself. Get up and move even if you don't feel like it!! I notice with this whole quarantine/corona crisis that I can go a handful of days and feel like "I've got this", but then I hit a wall and drag. I think what it boils down to is that it takes work to stay upright when things are all turned around, and it can be exhausting. You can't feel on top of it every day, but at least for me if I continue to do the handful of things I know physically make a difference, my mind will follow.
On another note, apparently the UV index has been 5 here mid day and so the older two kids have been tanning. That's right, teens still tan. It's like nothing has changed from my high school days of baby oil and hours outside (or trips to the tanning booth). I've been phobic about going in the sun as long as Ava and Lucia have been alive so I'm not sure why they aren't appropriately freaked out. Yet they are not. Nope, they are up on the terrace, in teeny tiny bikinis, frying their nice smooth skin. When I told Lucia she might regret it when she's my age she said, "oh by then they will have easy medical fixes, I'll be fine, I'd rather look good now". Just as a side note, she didn't use baby oil, but she DID use coconut oil. Watching the whole thing made me slather on twice as much sunscreen. I didn't bother giving any lectures, it wouldn't help.
Lastly, I wore my Siganka Garland top today (I have it in pink), and it was perfect. The weather was about 70 degrees, I had on that top, with my jeans cuffed and my Birkenstock flip flops. It was just the right amount of relaxed bohemian. Love this top!! LOVE.
Signed, ME {lv}