I was struggling to find ways to kick it up a notch today--change my boring and predictable stuff into interesting and elevated. It's funny, when you start paying attention you realize how MANY things you do on autopilot each day. Tons of little things that you don't even think about, but if you stacked them all together you have quite a chunk of time. Basically a big chunk of boring, hence the whole goal of trying to make it less so.
I kept catching myself doing something without even thinking about it and just spacing out in the process. Like absently folding laundry, or unloading the dishwasher. I tend to sleepwalk thru those activities for obvious reasons, but it's sort of sad to sleepwalk thru good size chunks of your day right? I realized that I probably need to be more efficient. You know how they have basically determined that "multi-tasking" is totally inefficient. I think I spend the whole day bouncing around from thing to thing, trying to juggle, instead of just allotting chunks of time to respective things. Maybe there is more sense in just doing a BUNCH of laundry all at once vs. bouncing in and out all the time, one load here and there. I mean, maybe sitting down in the laundry room and doing laundry for two hours every 4 days while listening to a book on tape with a candle burning for aromatherapy, maybe that's not such a bad two hours? Vs. popping in and out for 5-10 minutes 5 times a day every day, and since the chunks of time are small you can't really do anything else to "up" the experience. I don't know, just pondering the structure of my days...wondering if I need a revamp so that I can maximize my activities better, and make them more interesting or enjoyable.
What's really sad is my big "thing" today was getting dressed and actually doing my hair. Like blowing drying it and everything. I know, wow right? I did my workout earlier in the day and then truthfully there have been many (read lots and lots) days that I've just stayed in my yoga clothes after my class, let the sweat dry, and got on with work (either Melange work, or around the house work). Kind of gross, but I'll admit, quarantine has made me lazy in this department. I will say, that it felt MUCH better to actually take a shower, get dressed, and do my hair. I even put a little makeup on...and perfume. I think it's really safe to say that I've hit an all time low when my big win is doing my hair and putting on some makeup. Truthfully no one in the house seemed to notice much, but I felt less blah, so I guess that's what's most important.
I am super excited about these new Wish Bracelets that we are getting in tomorrow. I bought these as gifts probably a year ago (and we've finally bought them for the store), I was a little obsessed with them because I really think they are ingenious and I love the concept and the style of them. Basically it's a bracelet that you slip on to your wrist, but the clasp is a little empty canister that comes with a tiny scroll that you write your wish, affirmation, prayer or whatever on, and then you roll it back up, stuff it into the mini canister and then you screw the clasp back on locking it in place. I love that you carry your affirmation near you, and you hold that energy close. I think it'll make a great Mother's Day gift (although truthfully I can't remember if I've already given my mother one so I don't think I can risk it and give her another)! I think these will make great surprise 'pick me up gifts' for friends too! Stay tuned...lots of cool colors too!
Signed, ME {lv}