I'm super excited about my pick for this weeks goal/challenge. Gratitude. The goal is to wake up, and before you start your day, write three things you are grateful for. Then at night, before you fall asleep, three more things you are grateful for.
I use to do this when I was using the Best Self calendaring system which is fantastic, BUT also really involved so I would use it when I had a particularly busy 3 month period, or if I had a lot of things I had to get done in a short period of time. It's amazing for keeping track of your time and making sure you are intentional with it.
Anyway, in that system you write your gratitudes daily, morning and night. The theory being, the psychological benefits were BIG, and it put you in the right mindset to get things done, and be positive. I loved that part of the system, and since I'm not using the system now, I decided I'd like to take that one habit and reinstate it.
So that's our goal this week. Wake up, write three things you are grateful for, and then do three things right before you go to bed. It can be anything...your soft sheets, your morning coffee, your cat, the fact that you have eyeballs! I'm excited. It's a stressful time, and it's so easy to see the stuff that is scary, or that is going wrong. We need a structured plan to remember the things we are grateful for.
We're due to get some sun this week and I'm so grateful for that. I'm also grateful for pretty new necklaces, dresses on sale, and the new Siganka that has arrived (and will be up on the site soon)!
Happy Monday!
Signed, ME {lv}