First off, we are getting in Citizens of Humanity face masks, for any of you who need more masks--we'll have them this week! They turned their LA factory into a mask production site and have been knocking out these simple and much needed masks. I wore one today on my grocery store outing, but wow, they take some getting use to don't they? I still feel really odd every time I go out wearing one, not to mention claustrophobic. I imagine we'll all get use to them as we eventually come out of quarantine and end up wearing the masks more. There will be mask mandatory regulations everywhere in no time.
While at the grocery store this morning Romeo face timed me with a "math question". He was gunning for help RIGHT NOW, and launched into his 'instructions" without me getting a word in edgewise. The instructions were LONG, and complicated. As he was reading I was thinking that I was super impressed with his 3rd grade reading, AND thinking I had absolutely NO idea what his math was about. That's right, third grade math apparently is officially past my skill set. Depressing. I had to blame it on my grocery store location limitation and directed him to ask his dad, but really, I had NO idea what the hell he was suppose to do. Which leads me to this little funny on the right, which my sister sent the other day. So true.
Which also leads me to my last point which is that THIS is going to be the mother of all Mother's Days. Why? Because this has been a real hard last two months of mothering. Even if you are one of the rare birds that didn't think it was hard, it was super weird and at the very least that has made it really challenging.
Mother's all over have had to dig deep, REAL deep, to deal with the daily stress, kid boredom, home schooling, meltdowns, discomfort, cooking, cleaning, and oh did I mention stress coming at you from all sides? There's also all kinds of work stressors for many on top of that. Emotions have run the gauntlet and thru it we've had to put on a brave face, and pull some semblance of routine together (all while trying to maintain a 4:30 p.m. or later happy hour which has been tough). So whether you are mothering, or you appreciate the mothering you got, or you see someone's mothering you admire and respect, this is the year to show the love.
The mail is a tad slower right now, so make sure you get any gifts out with a little cushion to spare. Even if it's little tokens of adoration, they will be gratefully received (I'm just basing this on my own feeling that ANY present is pretty darn amazing). We gift wrap and ship for free, so there's really no excuse. :-)
Oh, and lastly (for real)....I kept up my exercise goal for the second day and I'm ready to make Wednesday #3. I definitely feel better. It's a push to do it, but I know it's good for me and I already feel more perky emotionally. Well, perky might be a stretch, but definitely perky adjacent.
Signed, ME {lv}