Before I launch into my superficial new obsession, I just want to say ONCE again, THANK YOU to all of you who are raiding your closets for goods to donate to your local women's domestic violence shelter. It's incredibly important to support these women who suffer in violent situations, and often children suffer right along with them. Their opportunity for a second chance, for protection and for breaking the cycle comes entirely from their strength, and the generosity of people willing to lend them both hands as they are climbing out. Each day this week I've found something else in my house to add to the donation pile. Today I added some clothing from Romeo's closet, because kids clothing is accepted as well and needed as these women restart lives for themselves and (very often) their children.
Now on to something completely superficial. I'm currently OBSESSED with my new foot microplane. You know when you go to the pedicurist and they use that cheese grater looking thing on your rough and calloused feet? That's a microplane. I got one in a gift basket from a friend for my birthday, and I'm only just now using it. It's amazing. If you don't have one, jump right on to Amazon and order one fast (maybe I'm the only one that didn't have one though). It can't be more than $10, and the thing is brilliant. I had the feet of shoeless hobbit just back from a trail run and now they are soft like butter. No joke. It was at least 30 minutes of fun.
I also finally ended up with a face mask today. I've got a bunch on order (from Citizens of Humanity), but no big surprise, NONE of them have come yet. Then last night I was walking and ran into my best friend's father who randomly had an extra box of masks and gave them to me. So today as I went to the grocery store, I wore a mask for the first time. Two issues to note. The ones I have are the paper kind surgeon's use, with the elastic that goes around the ear. I don't know if I just have weirdly shaped ears or what, but the elastic was SO uncomfortable and it flopped my ears over in the most unattractive manner. I know, no big deal, but still, I feel like it would be remiss to not at least acknowledge. It was also hot and stuffy (I see people running with them and I can't even imagine). Furthermore, as I was standing in line there was a woman behind me and I turned and looked at her, and she might have smiled, but who would even know?? In a not so distant past I have paid good money to not have as many crow's feet (i.e. botox), but now if you don't have any crows feet, there's no way to even tell that you are smiling. Which might be contributing to what feels like one big sour mood out there.
Lastly, in keeping with this week's goal, I called a friend in California where we used to live and finally caught up with her. She's a talker, which means sometimes I put off calling simply because I don't have enough time. However today I just rode the wave, and caught up like I had nowhere to go (which was only partially true, I actually had a lot of work to do). It felt good to finally talk to her too. I also learned that Sonoma county in CA just mandated the wearing of masks in closed spaces and I'm sort of guessing that this kind of mandate will be growing rapidly.
OH, and just as a last note, we chose today's gift with purchase (the YaY re-usable bags) because I have actually been using mine, a LOT more and it's one of my favorite things right now. Not just for groceries, but for throwing stuff together to put into the car, or take on a walk down to the park a few blocks away, or even to just carry from upstairs to downstairs (like when I go down to use the Peloton I take a pair of socks, my water bottle, my lip balm, my phone, and a towel), and yes, I threw that all into a YaY bag!!
We're officially on the downward slope of April, hard to believe. It's been a long two weeks, but also a short two weeks in some ways. We can do this. Another two weeks for sure, and maybe another two weeks on top of that for good measure but this WILL end friends, and we WILL come out the other side. Meanwhile, reach out and connect with someone, because that's really the most important thing all the time!
Signed, ME {lv}