Uhm, guess what? It's Friday...AGAIN. Yeah, I know, hard to believe. Have you ever had a book club where you met once a month, and EVERY time you met you'd stop and say, "seriously? AGAIN, it was just book club yesterday??!!" Well, that's how I feel about Fridays now. Every time one rolls around I'm blown away that it's Friday, because wasn't it just yesterday that I was saying "it's Friday again"??
So hopefully everyone is counting the minutes until 5 p.m. (or 4 p.m.....or even 3 p.m.), when we can pour something yummy and officially toast to another week under our belts with some measure of success. I did a few things ok this week, and overall managed to balance my stress with some dignity (not always the case). I even managed to sprinkle some glitter on a few of my pedestrian activities, making them more special, so that was extra nice.
Virtual clink of glasses friends....we deserve it!
Signed, ME {lv}