It's Friday....we did it! Yet another week living in this alternate universe that we'll call covid-19. I think it's officially been just about a month of the status quo. I can hardly believe that. A MONTH. Wow. I've been so focused on one day at a time that I didn't notice the days piling up.
Silver linings, that's what I'm focusing on today because there is no sense in complaining about all the things we miss. What I will do instead is just note some of the things I am digging on.
First, there is a heightened sense of awareness right now, because certain things are eliminated from your schedule and being replaced with other things. Like time in my backyard. I might not have spent quite so much time watering or staring at my plants and I would probably would never have noticed that my fig tree (new as of last summer), has little baby figs growing out of it's branches, but not even one leaf yet. It's the oddest thing and so cool looking. It's the little things that I am paying attention to right now that I love.
I also probably would have never been staring out my upstairs window long enough to notice that my neighbor across the street (who we look down on since our house is on a hill) has two small Christmas trees in their two upper story windows. That's right, decorative Christmas trees. It's something I would have never noticed except I now spend some time gazing out the window in deep thought (or not) and you notice things--like Christmas trees in April.
Nightly dinners, I do appreciate that, a whole lot. That's a quarantine condition. Normally we try and have family dinner 3 or 4 nights a week religiously and that's hard sometimes with everyone's extra curricular activities. No one is home at the same time. This past month, we have dinner together every day. No, I haven't become a master chef and I'm not cooking amazing things all the time, but dinner is pretty much a highlight of everyone's day, and the kids start asking around 11 a.m. "what's for dinner?" I know that my days of all the kids being home for dinner are numbered. Ava's 17, she'll be out of the house soon and it'll only be special occasions when everyone is together. Silver lining of covid-19-family dinners.
I spent all kinds of time this week calling people I love to meet the Melange weekly challenge. Some were amazing conversations, others a little stressful (in the same way watching the news is stressful), but it felt so good to make it a priority to reach out and actually connect with people I usually don't get to connect with. I was virtually visiting friends all over the world this week, and that's kind of cool. Technology is amazing isn't it?
So here's a shout out to all of you who are plugging along with us, and who are pushing thru the rough days, finding things to be happy about, things to appreciate, people to love, people to take care of. We have officially conquered another week with our awesomeness.
Signed, ME {lv}