I'm starting school....TODAY. Yep, my very first day of school. I've been so excited for this day, and it's probably been at least a year in the making when I figure in all the mental planning, the lengthy application process of gathering transcripts, of finding recommendations, writing my personal essay, interviewing. All to eventually land me in a clinical psychology masters program, that starts TODAY (did I already mention that?)
What wasn't in my planning picture was the pandemic, or the fact that my classes would begin online (fingers crossed that this changes for second semester). So come 9 a.m., I'll be figuratively sitting in my first class. The fact that it's online has not thwarted me one bit in my back to shopping efforts.
Don't even get me started on my deep dive at the office supply store. I now have every color highlighter, sticky note and flashcard known to man. My folders all have neat little dividers, and I'm already working my way thru the first week's homework. I wanted a Trapper Keeper really bad (hello '80's), but I got the more mature, white three ring binders. It's such a different experience than when I was charging thru undergrad and law school (both done at breakneck speed so most of it felt like a blur). Now I get to savor each and every assignment, and appreciate the process more. It's a means to an end, but the means are just as important as the ends for me and that's is definitely something I didn't feel in my earlier education.
So in my back to school efforts, I did a little freshen up of my hair (cut 5" off) and had a keratin treatment done so I can pull myself together easier and make sure my color was ready for action--no roots to highlight that I might be on the "older" side of the student population. My readers might give me away though, dang.
I snatched up an Ori London backpack, EVEN though technically I won't be packing it to go off to school. I figure I will cart around my books other places, and these backpacks are so perfect because they have all the organizational pockets inside so you can bring your 5 different highlighter colors, sticky notes, and pens--and they will all have a nice little home. Besides, I'm thinking optimistically, and it will be no time before I DO get to carry that backpack to class.
Also grabbed a new water bottle from BKR for my desk (a cool looking one that can be displayed proudly on Zoom.)
I feel like I'm going to want to be spending a lot of time in comfortable tees and sweatshirts, because classes are long (3 hours), and let's face it, I'm just at home. I adore the Fabina sweatshirts, and the Natural Life tees are easy to grab a stack of (such a great price). My office runs on the cool side, so as the temperatures start to dip in the months ahead, I'm definitely going to be grabbing for long sleeves and sweatshirts.
I also felt like a Vibe necklace was in order, and this one in particular because the card says: "Amazonite is known as the stone of courage filling the heart with determination, helping to bring about and sustain focus." I feel like courage, and determination are exactly what I need right now because I fluctuate between "I got this" and "This is crazy, I don't got this." I'm also irrationally paranoid about not having the focus power to read for long hours and actually remember stuff. I've spent untold hours on the internet looking up good nootropics to try and superpower my atrophied brain. At least now I'll have a little Vibe power.
I'm reminding myself to make each step special and not focus on what's "not" happening (like in person lessons and in person study groups with my new cohort BFFS that I haven't met yet), because in the end, all we have are the moments in front of us, and we want to get the most out of them as possible. Who knows, this virtual education may last awhile, and I can't afford to wish any of it away in hopes of something different in the future--it's all too precious.
Hope everyone is diving into Fall with something exciting on their plate, even if it's just something a little exciting and new!
Wish me luck....
Signed, ME {lv}