This time, I really am keeping this short and sweet. I just want to express a little love, since it's love day after all.
Love for my kids, who keep me laughing and pulling my hair out on a regular basis. I had to pick Lucia up at the high school in the middle of the day, and drive her home to poop in her own bathroom because she simple could not do it at the high school. Seriously, if that's not funny (and extremely inconvenient and annoying), I'm not sure what is.
Love for John who's unflappable peace of mind and goofy humor allow me to keep a good perspective. 25 years together and I'm not sick of him yet, which seems like a good sign.
Love for myself. Yep, that's right. Myself. I can finally say at age 31....ok, I mean 48, that I love myself, and I've done a pretty good job of letting go of the self loathing of my youth. Self love is so important, it's the foundation for everything we can and will love in the world.
Love for yoga, which is one of my favorite things to do in the world. I'm so lucky to have found it and I know how cheesy that sounds, but it's also so true. It's changed my life.
Love for Melange and all the amazing people I've met over all the years (nearly 20 if you you can believe). I feel so lucky to have had so many amazing women touch my life thru this job. It blows my mind on a regular basis.
Love and appreciation for the fact that I have a warm cozy house and healthy food to eat. I'm thankful for that every single day and know how lucky I am that I don't worry about having the necessities.
Love for my country, that despite being in crisis, is still the most amazing country in the world (and I say that having a LOT of love for a LOT of countries out there.)
Love for my friends, without whom no amount of therapy would be able to prop me up. I feel privileged to have a circle of friends with whom I feel completely comfortable and completely supported and I don't ever take that for granted because it's a gift.
Love for my dog, who never complains about being stuck with a family that ignores him most of the time, doesn't walk him enough, and complains about his large body regularly (he really does need to go on a massive diet though.)
So that's it. I hope everyone today takes a moment to make their love list, because it's a sweet day to remember all that you love. It's also a really great day for treating yourself to chocolate, flowers, red wine, and oh yeah, even a little Melange shopping.
Signed, ME {lv}